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Promotivna Kajak tura Karlovac 09.06.2024.


Broj mjesta je ograničen

3 hours

10:00 i 15:00





Karlovac lies on the banks of four rivers, so let's get into a kayak and explore their beauty. Kayak tour Karlovac starts on the river Mrežnica in Mrzlo Polje. Once you get to the start point, our guides will introduce you to the equipment and demonstrate paddling. At the beginning of this 11 kilometer long adventure you will paddle through a small urban jungle and a few small rapids. It is amazing how nature can remain untouched in an urban area. There are many small islands on the way, and on one of them we will stop and take a break for swimming and relaxing in the shade. We continue to paddle down the Mrežnica river all the way to the confluence. Crossing over the Turanj waterfall we will meet river Korana and through its winding course get to the main city beach called Foginovo. Our tour ends paddling over the Korana waterfall. 

Za kajak turu koristimo RTM kajake za dvije i tri osobe, a u kajacima su i nepropusne vreće ili bačve za pohranu mobilnih uređaja, foto aparata i slično. Svaki sudionik opremljen je veslom i sigurnosnim prslukom za plivanje.

To participate in Kayak tour Karlovac no previous paddling knowledge is required. Children over the age of 6 can join the tour accompanied by an adult. It is recommended to wear a swimsuit or cozy sport clothes, a cap or hat, SPF sunscreen, sunglasses, a towel, food and drinks for personal use. Also, bring spare clothes and shoes so you can change at the end of the tour.

KAMAT Adventure Travel is not responsible for damaging or losing your personal belongings. Each participant is obligated to follow the guide's instructions to avoid endangering themselves and other people on this trip. The guide has a right and obligation to refuse participation in the tour to people who are under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. In that sense, refund of the paid funds will not be available.

According to weather conditions, the organizer has a right to cancel the tour.

Tura će se održati u dva termina, 10:00 i 15:00 sati, a prijava je obavezna putem e-maila




10:00/15:00 Sastanak na mjestu polaska – parkiralište hotela Korana Srakovčić

10:15/15:15 Upoznavanje s izletom i odlazak na startnu poziciju

10:30/15:30 Priprema, instrukcije i start izleta

14:00/19:00 Završetak izleta




Kajak tura Karlovac organizirana u suradnji s Turističkom zajednicom grada Karlovca u potpunosti je besplatna za sudionike, no broj mjesta je ograničen.




Meeting point is the parking lot in front of hotel Korana Srakovčić from where we organize a transfer to the start of the tour on river Mrežnica in Mrzlo Polje. We will end our tour on river Korana just next to the meeting point.


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